and Long COVID, or Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC)

COVID Challenges
- High Prevalence of Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) – According to a JAMA meta-analysis, more than half of those who have survived COVID are struggling with ongoing symptoms–often respiratory–six months post-infection (a). Another meta-analysis published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found a prevalence of 43% (b). With over 500m global COVID infections, hundreds of millions of people are expected to be in this group of “Long COVID” patients resulting in an ongoing global health crisis.
- Unknown Disease Characteristics – Long COVID is a new condition with many unknowns. For example, Dr. Comellas and team recently discovered the importance of air-trapping in these patients using VIDA quantitative analysis. Air trapping was present in 58% of patients and not often detected by pulmonary function testing (c).
- Comorbidity Assessment – COVID patients with other respiratory diseases may require a different treatment plan than the general population. For example, COVID-19 patients with COPD have a 5.9 fold higher risk of COVID progression (d).
- Slow Therapy Development – Respiratory therapies have traditionally been among the slowest and most expensive to bring to market. Part of the reason for this is conventional endpoint measures, which require large study populations. Precision imaging biomarkers from VIDA are one way to accelerate clinical trial timelines.
VIDA Lung Intelligence for COVID-19 and Long COVID Clinical Trials
VIDA produces up to 15,000 precision lung metrics per imaging study. These measures, called quantitative CT imaging biomarkers (QCT), span airways, tissue, vasculature, and lung function. Many of these biomarkers are important in the evaluation of patients with COVID-19 and Long COVID, both for clinical care and in evaluation of treatment response. For more information on these biomarkers, please complete this brief form 👇.
VIDA Intelligence Portal is a respiratory trial imaging orchestration platform designed to ease the imaging operations of a lung trial. Portal applies AI-powered intelligence to automate tasks that are mundane and/or prone to human error. The portal also provides eLearning, quality control, data security, drag and drop data exchange, team communications and much more. The result is clinical trial sites capable of acquiring high quality clinical trial imaging data with ease.
Intelligence services leverage imaging and operational data gold mines to maximize their value for trial sponsors. For example, retrospective data analysis services examine existing datasets to surface valuable new insights. Site performance monitoring gives sponsors dynamic operational dashboards to proactively view the health of trial sites, the data they are submitting, and more. Subject screening services assist sponsors in filtering out candidates who meet exclusion criteria.
COVID-19 Imaging Biomarkers

COVID-19 Studies Utilizing VIDA’s Precision Imaging
a. Groff D, Sun A, Ssentongo AE, et al. Short-term and Long-term Rates of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Systematic Review. JAMA
c. Cho JL, Villacreses R, Nagpal P, et al. Quantitative Chest CT Assessment of Small Airways Disease in Post-Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Radiology. Published online March 15, 2022:212170. doi:10.1148/radiol.212170
d.Wang, Bolin, Ruobao Li, Zhong Lu, and Yan Huang. “Does Comorbidity Increase the Risk of Patients with COVID-19: Evidence from Meta-Analysis.” Aging 12 (April 8, 2020).